Crisis Rap Center records, 1967-1979.


Crisis Rap Center records, 1967-1979.

Operating records concerning the Center's internal organization, staff training, and finances. Also included are topical files regarding social concerns and local agencies providing social services.

ca. 4 linear ft.


SNAC Resource ID: 7548747

New Mexico State University

Related Entities

There are 2 Entities related to this resource.

Crisis Rap Center (Las Cruces, N.M.) (corporateBody)

In 1974, the Rap Center was founded as a special project of the Department of Social Work at New Mexico State University. Its primary purpose was to provide a hotline for people in crisis situations. Listeners were trained to deal with problems and the "listen line" was put into action. On September 1, 1975, after NMSU discontinued the project, the Rap Center merged with the Crisis Center administered by the Doña Ana County Council of Churches. Located in Canterbury Center, the Crisis Rap Center...

Religious Services Association of Doña Ana (corporateBody)